This is a snippet from Court of Lies & Cinder. Please do not repost without author's consent. Court of Lies & Cinder is a dark Cinderella retelling, coming October 6th!

“With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out, And what love can do, that dares love attempt.” -Romeo & Juliet




"Mi’lady, this came for you,” the messenger said as he handed her the envelope. The woman could only see his silhouette, dimly lit by the hallway torches. Anxiety and eagerness both filled her. Would this be the news she’d longed for?

“Thank you,” she said as she closed the door.

The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, heightening the woman's anxiety. With a trembling hand, she ripped open the envelope.


It’s done. You and your family will be safe now.



A sigh of relief escaped her. Her daughters watched as she raced across the room. She pried the loose floorboard and removed a knapsack before turning to the young girls. Her daughters sensed the gravity of the situation, their wide-eyed stares and silent compliance conveying their understanding of the imminent danger.

“This is the day I warned you about. Gather your things quickly. We must leave at once.”

“Yes, Mother,” the oldest responded, grabbing her sister’s hand as they went to their room.

The young girl stood still, unsure of what to do, as the older one collected their bags. She then picked up a few books and toys to add in before they left.

“Where are we going?”

“Mother said she is taking us somewhere we’ll be safe. She told us that when she made us pack. Remember?” the older sibling responded.

“But why—”

“No time for questions. She is waiting for us.”

They returned to their mother, who held a small, swaddled toddler in her arms. She slept soundly.

“We have to be quiet and move swiftly,” their mother instructed. “Do you understand?”

The girls nodded.

“Momma, can I help?” the older one asked.

“Yes, take this,” she answered, handing her one of her bags. “Carry this, and not another word until we leave the kingdom. No matter what.”

Opening the door, she peered into the empty hallway before gesturing them to follow. The chiming clock signaled the imminent dawn. There was no time to waste.

Their footfalls were silent. Every shadow jumped out, every door shutting could be guards alerted to their presence. Her heart thudded so loudly in her ears, the sound consumed her until they reached the exit.

Despite the short time, fears raced through her mind, stretching the seconds. They left the palace and went straight to the dirt path. She glanced down at her girls as they made their way.

The scent of damp earth filled their nostrils as they ran through the dense woods, adding an earthy intensity to their desperate escape. The iron gate came into view, and her pace quickened, eager to reach the freedom awaiting them on the other side. Her children struggled to keep up with her long strides.

A faint rustling sound reached her ears, causing her to glance nervously over her shoulder, fearing they had been discovered.

“Halt!” a guard yelled at the sight of them.

“Don’t stop,” she said to her daughters. “We must keep going, no matter what.”

They clung to her gown, and she encouraged them to move faster. The wall came into view. A few more steps, and they would be closer to leaving everything they knew behind.

“Close the gate!” The words shot past her as swift as an arrow.

The family made it through as the wrought metal iron slammed shut behind them, effectively cutting off their pursuers. The woman laughed.

Running through the woods, the river came into view. The mother stopped and paced for a moment before finding the shallow section she had previously discovered. They safely crossed and rested on the other side. She assured her daughters that everything would be fine.

“Momma, won’t the king come looking for her?” the oldest asked, staring at the bundle held tightly in her mother’s arms.

“He can search all he wants, but he won’t find us.”

“I want dada,” the youngest pouted. “Where is—”

“Why can’t we stay?” the oldest interrupted.

“It isn’t safe here, not anymore,” their mother explained as her patience wore thin.

“But why?”

“Hush, child. We need to rest a moment before we continue our journey to the colony.”

The long road ahead held potential peril, but the risk was worthwhile. For the sake of her daughters and herself, sacrifices had to be made.

With a bag of valuables taken from the palace, she ensured they would still have nice things. It wouldn’t hold a candle to the life they lived there. The thought of no longer living in luxury hurt her heart, but it was necessary.

“Come, let’s continue.”

Hope waited for them, hope of living a life of quiet peace, free from violence, and away from the royal intrigues. Her daughters were her number one priority, and she would do whatever necessary to protect them, to see to it every need was met.

She knew they would have to stop from time to time, but as long as they remained in the woods, off the path, they should be safe. The toddler in her arms squirmed, and the woman wondered if taking her had been the right decision. It didn’t matter now. It was too late to turn back. Death only awaited her, should she return to the kingdom.

So far, everything had gone to plan. She had her bag of valuables. Next, she had to meet her contact in the colony who would help them hide. After enough time had passed, they would move into the Ambriosse colony and live a quiet life.

Imagining her daughters learning to dance, drinking high tea with nobles, and living their well-deserved life brought a smile to her face. As they headed towards their new future, she reassured her girls in a calm manner.

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